
Lead Profiling

The advantage of your FirstLife membership means that when you sign up you
choose / profile the types of leads you would like to purchase. Once you pull the lead you will have the following information about your potential client:

  • Time and date that they requested an online quote
  • Lead price – you get billed in arrears for the leads that you pull
  • Name and contact details of the client
  • Education level, annual household income, date of birth, marital status, smoker status and daytime address of the client
  • Amount of life cover the client has requested
  • Estimated premium that the client would pay according to the amount of life cover requested

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  • > Best Life Insurance Leads Key Benefits of FirstLIFE Leads:

    Fresh Prospects Daily

    Quality Profiles

    No Upfront Payments

    No Commission Splits

    Lead Management Tool (PALMS)

  • > FirstLIFE Membership Key Benefits of Membership:

    Access to PALMS

    Exclusive Access to leads

    Cash Back Credits

    Ongoing Support

    Personalised Marketing